
Einerhand Science & Innovation received the 2020 Food & Drink Award for best Early Life Nutrition Consultancy in Europe

This year has been the harbinger of challenge, and perhaps no more so than for the food and beverage industry. However, that’s not to say that 2020 has been completely void of achievements and success. Because, out of the many challenges 2020 has brought to many a threshold, it has also offered an opportunity to adapt in unexpected ways. Businesses have capitalised on uncertainty and wielded impressive reputations and expertise to bring about new achievements. New successes. New growth. It is with that in mind that LUXlife launched this year’s Food and Drink Awards. To celebrate every success, no matter how small they may seem.

Last Monday December 21, this year’s winners of the Food & Drink Awards 2020 were announced by Lux Magazine. We are proud that Einerhand Science & Innovation received the award for being the best Early Life Nutrition Consultancy in Europe. It has been a long journey from initially being nominated, undergoing the research and judging stages and finally being recognized for an award. We are now at the stage where the award is shared with the world!

I am grateful to all who made this possible including my clients. Thanks a lot.

Sandra Einerhand


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