Interview with Dr. Sandra Einerhand, founder and CEO of Einerhand Science & Innovation
We are excited to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Sandra Einerhand, founder and CEO of Einerhand Science & Innovation published April 2023 in Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech Journal. With over 25 years of experience in the food industry, Dr. Einerhand is a renowned expert in the field of sustainable nutrition and health, and […]
OUR LATEST SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION: A review about the role of the milk protein, lactoferrin, in the Battle against COVID-19 is published in a top journal

As the first author, I am very excited to announce that Nutrients MDPI just published our review highlighting the most relevant findings concerning #lactoferrin‘s #antiviral, #antimicrobial, #iron-binding, #immunomodulatory, #microbiota-modulatory and #intestinal barrier properties that support health of the two most affected organs in #covid19 patients (#lungs and #gut). Furthermore, in this review we explore the possible underlying #mechanisms governing its mode of action. The #review was published online within a month after […]
Introducing a health care professional survey as a new service
The future of infant nutrition, according to healthcare professionals in Pediatrics For many parents, healthcare professionals (HCPs) offer the advice they can trust the most. That’s why it is so essential that the voices of HCPs be heard when it comes to developing infant nutrition formula. As part of a new service, Einerhand Science & […]
Einerhand Science and Innovation will be on the National TV March 21 at 17.30 in the RTLZ program called the BAROMETER
It was a real pleasure to work together with #theTIMcompany and #rtlz to prepare for a TV program called the #barometer. Einerhand Science & Innovation will feature in this program focusing on science and health. It will be broadcasted on the Dutch national TV on Sunday March 21 at 17.30. As part of the TV program, you’ll see the TIM […]