
Meet Einerhand Science & Innovation at the Nutrition and Growth Meeting in Amsterdam March 2-4, 2017

The Nutrition and Growth meeting 2017 will provide a unique platform for discussing the interplay between nutrition and gro​​​​wth in children, from disease factors through to treatment. Last year more than 1200 delegates attended the meeting.

The Nutrition and Growth is ideal for researchers, doctors and people from industry involved in child development who share a passion for exchanging ideas and analysis of pediatric nutrition. ​​​It is once again an interesting program including sessions on:

1) Vit D and growth,

2) the role of the gut microbiome, human milk oligosaccharides and probiotics in early life, and

3) the role of yoghurt in nutrition.

I look forward to the meeting and hope to meet you at the Nutrition and Growth meeting March 2-4, 2017 in Amsterdam. Please feel free to contact Sandra Einerhand, if you want to set-up a meeting and/or want information regarding our services in the area of infant nutrition.

Need more information?

Are you curious about what our organization can do for you? And would you like free advice? Please contact us via the contact form.